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ÜBER UNS: Willkommen

 "Luk Khampa - a lao-german story - a devised storytelling performance with actors and puppeteers, at the Berlin Biennale

Storytelling Arena auf Weiss_edited.png

Storytelling Projekte
zu den Themen unserer Zeit


“Stories - told eye to eye, mind to mind, heart to heart”
Scottish saying.


The Storytelling Arena creates a dialogue on the themes of our times through stories.   

As an artists collective, we believe and practice in the craft of storytelling for change.  Yes and we mean your stories. We push the boundaries of our chosen art and explore its relationship

to other media, most recently allowing A.I. bots to compete with our human storytellers in live performance.  "If you can't beat them join them".  Maybe we can.  Maybe we want to. Maybe we want a dialogue on the potential and dangers of A.I. before we decide one way or another.
Why don't you join us?  Drop us a line under storytellingarena@gmail and tell us in a few words

why you believe in the power of stories. No pressure,  Our hearts and minds are open for your and people from all over and all walks of life.

In autumn 2015, inspired by the Arab Spring, some teenagers made graffitti against the regime in a city not too far from here, in Syria, some courageous people defended them, because they wanted to protect the rights of these abducted children and because they shared these kids longing for freedom - of speech, assembly, artistic expression.  Instead of allowing them their modest calls for a little more freedom, the Assad family regime answered with brutality, torture and attack, they drove artists and many other people from their work and into exile.  Those who decided to stay were punished - by bombardment, chemical weapons, torture and imprisonment, which continues till today. 

For almost 10 years, those working with us with refugee experience have generously shared their stories and given locals in both Berlin and across Germany insight into their culture and transformation processes, at our on-site or hybrid events. 

We are blessed and enriched by their contributions, we are humbled by their bravery and incredible courage, and solidarity, they do not expect enything from us except our willingess to listen, wish for a space to thrive and prosper. We agree with the campaign of industry and business in Germany - yes, we are also surprised that we have such a consensus - that Germany needs immigration and refugees - and are super confused by all those who deny that we need immigation.
And on the ethical level, we hang our heads in shame for all those

who would deny such people in need of a safe space and a home.

For our 10 years, we have been linking individual with global stories, weaving personal experience with themes from the news which demand our attention. Those concerned about the future, climate change and equality for all human beings on this planet can join our arena and be inspired by

people and their ideas, plans and projects.

We encourage people to value and reflect on their experiences,

identify their insights and share these with others as autobiographical stories.

During our lockdown events, stories increased the interest of the young in the elderly. Post-pandemic, we practiced storytelling as a way of re-including those who use screens as a comforter in their loneliness.  We too are lonely.  We too long for community.   Join us. 

Drop us an email with a few words in answer to the question "why"


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